Yesterday 27th June 2024, the Catholic Parliamentary Chaplaincy celebrated the feast day of their Patron saint St. Thomas More, at Parliament. The Mass was animated by Kabale Diocese and the main celebrant was Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, the Bishop of Kabale Diocese.
The event attracted many Catholics from Kabale Diocese who live in Kampala and a big turnup of members of Parliament including the Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among who contributed UGX 100,000,000 million towards the development of St. Ignatius University Kabale. The amount is part of 160 million that was raised to support the development of the University Library.
The University was represented by the Chairperson University Governing Council, Prof. Nazarius Mbona Tumwesigye and the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Fr. Maximiano Ngabairano, among others. The University management is looking forward to have a well-equipped Library to help students and researchers get access to clear and rich information.
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