Arineitwe Oliva

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IGUKA library provides a range of services to support the learning, teaching, and research functions of the University including access to extensive information resources, a wide range of flexible learning environments, and the support that the student needs to achieve his/her learning goals, enhance research and develop new skills. IGUKA Library is a registered member of the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL) that provides access to subscribed E-Resources to its clientele. The vision in our work is to have a library recognized as an accessible centre of teaching, learning, research and creativity focused on IGUKA success. The major aim for this is provide essential collections and resources, services, research tools, technologies and space to the IGUKA community and work to ensure that all its members are proficient information users.


Monday to Friday                   : 8:00 am – 8:00 pm

Saturday                                    : 9:00 am – 1:00 pm          

Sunday & Public Holidays  : Closed

The IGUKA Library is mandated to carry out the following activities.

Develop Collections:  Book and journal purchases, Registration and subscription to the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL), E-resources subscription, Registering for research4life, Develop the Collection Development Policy for print resources and electronic resources, Entering all the books in to the system, Classification of all Books using the Classification System, Monitor accuracy of documents entered into the database and Taking stock of the collection.

 Digitization of the library: Installing the library management software (KOHA) fully automated to handle all the day to day operations of the library, Creating the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC); to facilitate the online visibility of the library’s print resources, Registering patrons in to the system, Putting in place the Library Portal (the gateway to ALL Library resources and services (Library Website), Populating & Updating the library website by providing, (A link to e resources-A link to the library catalogue-A link to the library guides-A link to ask a librarian-A library’s new trends-Social media links), Putting in place the Institutional Repository, Populate the Institutional Repository with information resources, Putting in place the Staff Publication System (SPS), Populate the staff publication system, (Staff biographies) and Putting in place electronic Theses and Dissertations system & populating it with the resources.

Information Literacy: Carry out orientation and post orientation trainings and Develop and Share the information access guides with library users.

Enhance Research Scholarship: Training and developing guides on how to cite and reference to avoid plagiarism and  Carry out trainings on how to use the reference management software such as Zotero and Mendeley.

Improve Infrastructure in the Library: Putting required ICT tools (Hardware and Software) in place (Computers-UPSs-Computer accessories-Anti-Virus SW-Cables-Switches & Routers-Hot spots-Printer-Photocopying machine), Putting in place reading tables, Putting in place chairs, Putting in place Standard book shelves.

Arineitwe Oliva

Our Contacts

  • +256789679627

The Programmes We Offer