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How to Pay National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) Using Mobile Money

Students can now pay National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) using airtel or MTN mobile money. This is can be done via the web and through the mobile money USSD shortcode. The first requirement is to ensure that you have adequate funds in your mobile money account ( MTN mobile money, Airtel Money, and Uganda Telecom’s M-sente). If the first requirement is settled, you can then go ahead to finalize the transaction by following the steps below.

Note: University Students in Uganda are expected to pay National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) a fee of UGX 20,000 per year. All National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) are paid through URA in Uganda.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Turyatunga javira

    Can we know courses you offer?

    1. Daniel Nabimanya

      Thanks for Contacting St. Ignatius University Kabale, we appreciate your views and comments, please keep them coming!!!
      well for the courses soon we shall publish them on the website together with the call for applications. so wait and thank you


    After paying using mobile money,how can I get proof to present to my institution that I paid .

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