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St.Ignatius University work in progress

We gladly accept any donations/contributions such as professional ideas, books, computers, projectors, photocopiers, furniture, building materials, vehicles, Volunteer Professionals, and funds to name but afew.

For any correspondences, you may use any of the following:

Postal Address:   St. Ignatius University Project Kabale

  1. O. Box 884, Kabale


Phone Contacts: +256 772 480 021/ +256 772 996 991

+ 256 703 097 930/ +256 785 809 121

 Email Contacts:;;

For any financial contributions, you may use any of the following:

Mobile Money: +256 772 480021/+256 772 996 991


You can forward it directly to the university’s bank account below.


Name of Bank: Centenary Rural Development Bank

Branch: Kabale.

Address: P. O. Box 385, Kabale, Uganda.

Street:    Plot 129, Kabale Road.

Account Name: St. Ignatius University Kabale

Account Number: 3100094121


This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Byamugisha Boniface

    Very inspiring waiting for it to start and ready spread the good news

    1. Daniel Nabimanya

      Thanks for Contacting St. Ignatius University Kabale, we appreciate your views and comments, please keep them coming!!!

  2. Br Fred Owomugisha

    I am very happy to learn of this archievements back home.Long awaited, and our and my support is a guarantee.
    Long live the great ideal in my diocese.

    1. Daniel Nabimanya

      Thanks for Contacting St. Ignatius University Kabale, we appreciate your views and comments, please keep them coming!!!


    Eagerly waiting for it!!!!!!! More blessings to the diocese

    1. Josephat Ainomuhangi

      Thanks, Mr.Nicholas for contacting IGUKA.Your views and support are important to the Development of this Project. We bless the Lord for your availability.


    I wish to be part of u really!!!

  5. Wambi Wycliffe

    Glory be to God, I am very happy

    1. Abaho Felix

      Oh what a magnificent setting! Am in love with the University’s core values, the mission, the vision and its philosophy. This is indeed a response to our day to day life challenges.

  6. Mutayomba Ronald

    Waiting to enrol please, kindly tell us the opening date!

  7. Rukundo Emmanuel

    Rays of hope for our people. Do you offer work and study scholarships for the disadvantaged or they are full scholarships. Thanks a lot.

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